mardi 10 juillet 2012

Rideau Center : too big for me

I am going to tell you a funny story that happened to me during my experience at Ottawa. Usually, I am a person with a good sense of orientation, I can walk in a forest or a big city without being lost. But, I finally found a good challenge: Rideau Center. This is a mall downtown Ottawa who, according to me, is really big.

I went there with one of my friend to met other peoples. First of all, we thought that we were in Rideau Center but, in fact, we were in another connected to it. We were walking in stores who look at the same and we finally found a board written ''Rideau Center''. After a couple of minuts of walking in circles, we finally found a map of the mall, we were not on the right floor! Hopefully, we took the closest stairs and we saw our friends in a store. We enjoyed 5 minuts with them and it was time to go home... Getting of the mall was easier.

After a couple of times at Rideau Center, I can now find my way in this jungle of clothes.

2 commentaires:

  1. This is a very funny story!!! I'm happy you find your way to get off the mall!

  2. Hahaha! Yes! It would not be good if you were stuck there for the rest of the program!
