mardi 17 juillet 2012

Skrillex show!

The most interesting thing that I did at Ottawa since the beginning of Explore, and one of the most interesting experience in all my life, is the show of Skrillex, who was on July 14. It was awesome! The show was during the Bluesfest of Ottawa, a big music festival of two weeks. There was almost 200000 person in the crazy crowd watching that show and dancing. All those people were full of energy, just the felling to be in this crowd was really intense! Also, this show was on a very hot day, so someone was throwing water in the crowd, at the end of the show, I was completly wet! And finally, the music was really good, and the lights effects were amazing! I had a really good time there and I will never forget it!

mardi 10 juillet 2012

Museum of civilization

I went to the museum of civilization four days ago and I had two questions in my mind that I wanted to be answered at the museum:
-How many totems are in the Grand Hall?
- What are the six Natives houses?

The first question was easy to answer, I counted them: 19.

Unfortunately, I didn't found the answer of my second question because we didn't have enough time in the museum.

At the museum, I also checked the Canadian hall, who was really interesting.

Rideau Center : too big for me

I am going to tell you a funny story that happened to me during my experience at Ottawa. Usually, I am a person with a good sense of orientation, I can walk in a forest or a big city without being lost. But, I finally found a good challenge: Rideau Center. This is a mall downtown Ottawa who, according to me, is really big.

I went there with one of my friend to met other peoples. First of all, we thought that we were in Rideau Center but, in fact, we were in another connected to it. We were walking in stores who look at the same and we finally found a board written ''Rideau Center''. After a couple of minuts of walking in circles, we finally found a map of the mall, we were not on the right floor! Hopefully, we took the closest stairs and we saw our friends in a store. We enjoyed 5 minuts with them and it was time to go home... Getting of the mall was easier.

After a couple of times at Rideau Center, I can now find my way in this jungle of clothes.

mercredi 4 juillet 2012


Hello everybody! My name is Félix, i'm 17 years old, I live in the nothern-west of the Quebec, in a city called Amos. This summer, I am in Ottawa for Explore program, this is a program who help some students from Quebec or from Spain to learn or improve their English. I will introduce myself a little bit: during my free times, I like to do sports and spend time with my friends. I like to meet new people, do interesting activities and discover new things.

This year, I decided to do the Explore program, because I wanted to improve my English speaking. I think that nowadays, speaking english is important for everyone.

To enjoy my trip at Ottawa, I look foward to make new friends, have fun while doing a lot of activities, spend time discovering Ottawa and improve my english speaking.